Disposal Facilities

Disposal Facilities must be setup prior to creating disposal tickets. Multiple Disposal Facilities can exist and allow you to include the disposal materials and unique cost and charge rates specific to each facility. This document will take you through the steps to Create, Manage and Report on your Disposal Facilities. Also see Disposal Facilities Video Tutorial and Related Topics.


Disposal Materials

Disposal Materials/Commodities will need to exist before the Disposal Facility can be created. Review the existing disposal materials and add materials that will be disposed of at the facilities you are creating.

  1. Add new materials or verify existing materials prior to creating a Disposal Facility. See more in Material/Commodities.


Create Disposal Facility

  1. Enter a two-digit code.
  2. Enter Name.
  3. Populate the remaining City, State, Zip, Note (optional).
  4. If using Route Modeling, select Routable to allow this Disposal Facility to be a stop on the Route as needed.
  5. Click On-Board Weights Facility if using weights recorded via an On Board Scale (Commonly used on Front Load vehicles).
  6. Click Map to capture the Latitude and Longitude. (Optional).
  7. To copy an existing Disposal Facility material and rates; Click Copy Material Rates From and select the Disposal Facility from the drop down.
  8. Do not select Copy Material Rates if you will be entering materials and rate manually.
  9. Save.


Manage Disposal Facilities

Once the Disposal Facility is saved, the Manage Facilities will open and allow you to add materials and rates.


  1. Fields in the Details section can be modified as needed. (Code cannot be changed).
  2. If adding Routable, a new site will be created under customer 0. Confirm this change upon saveClosed.
  3. Click on the New Rates tab at the bottom of the window.
  4. In the Material column, click on the drop down and select a material for this facility.
  5. Select a Cost UOM.
  6. Enter Cost Rate.
  • This the Cost to your company to dispose of the Material.
  1. Select Rate Type Fixed or Variable (used with Market Rate pricing).
  2. Enter Charge Rate.
  • This is the default or standard rate charged to customers for this material at this disposal facility.
  • Rates other than the default on the Disposal Facility can be set on the Customer Service Materials tab.
  1. Select Effective Date.
  • The material and rate are only available to Disposal Tickets entered on or after the Effective Date.
  1. Enter Minimum Quantity (optional).
  • When a Minimum Quantity exists, all disposal ticket for this facility and material will require the entered minimum disposal quantity.
  • The disposal ticket will automatically populate with the minimum and the quantity can be adjusted to a greater quantity.
  • Minimum quantities other than the default on the Disposal Facility can be set on the Customer Service Materials tab.

  1. Repeat for all materials accepted at this facility.
  2. Save.
  • Materials and Rates are now moved to the Current Disposal Rates tab.


New Rates

  1. Select Disposal Facility from the Code drop down.
  2. Select New Rates tab.
  • To Add/Modify/Update Rates, repeat the steps in the New Rates tab with an Effective Date in the Future.
  • Upon the future date, the current disposal rate will move to the Historical Rates tab.


Historical Rates

  1. Click the Historical Rates tab.
  2. Select a Start and End Date to view and/or print the historical disposal rates by date range.


Variable Rates

Variable Rates are commodity formula rates built from the Market Rate.

  1. Once your commodity/material is added, select Variable from the Rate Type drop down.
  2. The Formula Builder will open.
  3. Select a Market Rate.
  4. Build the formula by selecting the Operators and entering a Constant.
  5. Click Insert Constant to add the entry to the Formula.
  6. The formula will appear in the Formula section as it is being built.
  7. When finished, click Verify.
  8. If the formula is accepted, the Save button will be black. Click Save.
  9. If the formula is rejected, an error will appear. Click Ok, Clear and Repeat Steps 3-8.




Average Disposal Weights

A list of average weights per service by customer, activity and service type.

  1. Select Date Range.
  2. Select customer range or leave as all customers.
  3. Report type Summary or Detail.
  4. Sort by Customer, Weight Descending or Ascending.
  5. Select Report Weight Unit.
  6. Select all, single and multiple activity and service types.
  7. Select output.


Disposal Facility Rates

List of Materials and Rates by each Disposal Facility.

  1. Select to Include Historical/Future Rates or leave blank to exclude.
  2. Select Disposal Facility from the list to include.
  3. Select output.


Disposal Ticket Listing

Report on Disposal Tickets by Disposal Facility.

  1. Select parameters as per reporting needs. (Dates, customer, report type, etc...).
  2. Select a single, multiple or all Facilities.
  3. Select a single, multiple or all Materials.
  4. Select output.


Routable Disposal Facility

Market Rate Maintenance